GIA Videos
Webinar List
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Webinar episode 109
Stephen Ballard Business Development Coordinator with RCN Capital (Hard Money Lender)
Webinar episode 97
Resources available to you & How to Grow with Limited Financial Resources & Retainers
Webinar episode 87
Guest Speaker Paul Ritter “Credit Secrets Revealed-Getting Approved for Financing”
Webinar episode 82
- Tools to use to analyze headlines and wording in marketing campaigns
- Using local publications to advertise
- How to get referrals
- Our upcoming referral program for our students
Webinar episode 74
Using court records and tax assessment databases in determining who to send the letter to
Webinar episode 70
The two basic ways to acquire rentals – turnkey and buy low, rehab, refi.
The basic cash flow worksheet, cap rate, cash on cash return, and the opportunity evaluator
Webinar episode 69
A, B and C areas as a follow up to the school report, Melissa data and Planning commission data
The HUD, VA, Freddie Mac and FNMA foreclosure websites
Webinar episode 67
The school report and the various ways it can be created and used to WOW prospects and help agents and investors make better use of their time, energy and money
Webinar episode 66
Linda Schneider our expert guest and she discussed the Who, What, Where, when, why and most importantly the “how” of Newsletters
Webinar episode 65
Work File 1 – I-A Coaching 12 month Guide Behavioral Section
Work File 2 – I-A Coaching 12 month Guide Tactical Section